I woke up on the 8, 9, and 10th, livid…like real hot bro. I’ve run exactly 100 times this year, for 161 miles. This is the point where a lot of people say something corny and contrived. If you are a person who can’t understand how I can identify with Ahmaud (and why it’s an […]
Category Archives: Features
Featured Posts are in-depth usually substantial articles or pieces that dive deeply into a topic or an experience.
Institutional Racism’s Impact On /A Chronological Guide to a Fvcked Up Night November 13,2017 was a fvcked up night for me. The reason for it begins years before I was born. *** Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer, but I’ve been in close enough proximity to them that I play one on the internet. In 1968, the […]
I wanted the introduction of this brand to be a gentle invitation to start thinking critically about the texts, ideas, etc…that people hold the most sacred. If you start with that as a foundation, there are a lot of places you can go.